American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic
21.04.2009, 14:00 - 21.04.2009, 17:00
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The long awaited draft amendment to the Labor Code has been finalized at the Ministry of Labor and sent out to central state bodies and other partnering organizations for comments. AmCham is one of the partners, too. I am attaching the draft amendment and would like to ask you to send me your comments in Czech language by April 17. To discuss the gathered comments and formulate final positions, we would like to invite all who will have provided comments to a discussion session that will be held at the AmCham offices in Dušní 10 on April 21, 2 – 5 pm. We hope to receive comments and discuss also with representatives of other foreign chambers. For your information, I am enclosing also the AmCham’s general Position Paper on the changes needed to the current Labor Code. The Paper does not react directly to the draft, it reflects the AmCham’s long-term views on the Labor Code. With any questions, please contact Iveta Havlová at or 602 736 797.
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