IT (IT/Telco/Logistics) committee & Brief: Czech Industry Coalition on Data Protection,


American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


17.02.2015, 09:00 - 17.02.2015, 10:30


AmCham offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1 Show on map


Regular meeting of IT(IT/Telco/Logistics) committee members. AGENDA tbc 2 weeks before the meeting 1) Introduciton 2)Lightning Talks/Edu briefs on: 2.1)Data Protection - Czech Industry Coalition of Data Protection - input from Václav Mach 2.2) redtoo - Edu brief planned for Feb - tbc 3) Events - Under preparation for 1-2Q /2015: CLOUD COMPUTING Workshop on Cloud Computing - preparation: - draft of the event for your comments/inputs, suggestion of speakers is on LinkedIn - suggested date of event: End March/Beg. April - Members of IT committee are asked to deliver their inputs /comments before Feb4 - see the draft: STARTUPs March 25, 2015 9 - 12.00: Innovate or Die: Why Corporations Must Prepare for Positive Disruption/Why corporations start their own incubators/startups, Innovation centers? REGISTRATION here or at 2nd Discussion: Startup businesses - What startups need from corporations?, How corporations can help? Drivers: Ondřej Krajíček/Y Soft, Peter Ludikar/Deloitte, Jeanne Trojan 4) Lightning Talks (Edu Briefs): Topic for the next IT committee meetings - if there is interest planning for March: 5)Next committee meetings See full AGENDA attached. For all member´s representatives interested to discuss new technology, data management, virtualization & topics related.... - and be involved in preparation of new workshops/discussions, articles for web/publications in 2015. ------------------- Registration: online or at If you don´t know your password, please send us an email. AmCham contact person: Renata Paceltova at or call 724184866.

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