American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic
17.03.2015, 09:00 - 17.03.2015, 10:30
AmCham offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1 Show on map
Regular meeting of IT(IT/Telco/Logistics) committee members.
Full AGENDA tb sent to IT committee members 2 weeks before the meeting
1) Introduction
2) Upcoming Events:1-2Q2015:
Innovate or Die! Why and How Corporations Must Prepare for Positive Disruption - March 25, 2015 9 - 12.00 , MSD Global Innovation Center, English language
5 Myths about Cloud Computing - April 8, 9.00am, AmCham , English language
under preparation:
STARTUP ´s WORLD: What startups need from corporations?, How corporations can help?
Drivers: Ondřej Krajíček/Y Soft, Peter Ludikar/Deloitte
Date suggested: April28 or 29,2015 - tbc/Prague
3) 2015 best office publication:
--main sections to be confirmed by chairpersons of the committees & committee members in March2015
--members who would like to be involved in preparation/content shoud send an email before April15 at
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