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American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic
21.06.2016, 09:00 - 21.06.2016, 10:30
AmCham Offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1 Show on map
Regular meeting of IT(IT/Telco/Logistics) committee members (Full AGENDA will be sent to AmCham members 2 week before the meeting.) AGENDA: 1) Introduction 2) Edu Brief on Common Cyber Threats by MartinPůlpán of netpointers a) Attacks from the Internet - Distributed Denial of Service - Volumetric and Applications Attacks - Multivector Attacks - Perimeter penetration - VoIP gateways and PBXs b)Malicious Software - Bot, Botnet - Malware - Ransomware - Spyware c)Deception and Fraud, - Phishing - Pharming - PIN, Passwords and Certificates theft d)Advance Persistent Threats e)Password complexity f)Social engineering g)User behavior on the Internet - Sextortion - Abuse - Children education h) IoT - Threats - Actual examples i) IT Outsourcing - Where is my data actually stored? - Who and where was my software developed? - Who really control my IT systems? 3) 2016 best office publication - INFO --- articles for publication /IT section --- advertisement of member´s conferences, new products... --- deadline - for deliveries: May 31, 2016 --- possibility to put your advertisement for 2016/2017 conferences/new services - contact for more info 4) Events planning: Edu Briefs a) Sep 20: Internet of Things - tbc 5) Next IT committee - September 20 ------- Please register for the meeting online under the password or at If you don´t know your password, please send us an email to AmCham. Contact person: Renata Paceltova, 724 184 866.
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