Internet marketing - "How Google marketing works" by Jiri Lenk, Google, and "How to get to the top? Use SEO!" by Radek Karban & Michael Muselík, seo consultants from SEO Expert s.r.o. - CAPACITY is FULL


American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


26.11.2008, 17:00 - 26.11.2008, 18:30


AmCham, Dušní 10, Prague 1 Show on map


Internet marketing 1. "How Google marketing works" by Jiri Lenk, Google - People search for your products - be there - Use Google other products to promote your business (YouTube, Maps) 2. "How to get to the top? Use SEO!" by Radek Karban & Michael Muselík, seo consultants from SEO Expert s.r.o. - About SEO, what is that, history - How Search Engines works - Why you need to be on the first positions in organic search - Eye tracking studies & marketing statisticts (global and local) - Compare websites with different positons and their results - Case studies – part 1 - SEO process, how to optimize my website, each parts - Case studies – part 2 - Review in points This seminar is aimed on SME owners, MD, and marketing/advertising people. You will learn more about how to use internet as a marketing tool, the general side of advertising platforms on Google and what is SEO and Ranking and how to get better positions, or have higher ranks on internet.

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