Interim management as an opportunity


American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


8.06.2010, 09:00 - 8.06.2010, 11:00


AmCham offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1 Show on map


Introduction of the Interim management as an opportunity both for companies and managers by Ms. Martinová of Accord Group and Mr. Dolejš of PP Partners Prague who will answer questions on what´s the Interim management, when is the right time to use it, how much does it cost or explain differences between consultant services and the Interim management. Introduction will be followed by open discussion with present interim managers who have plenty experience with working on the temporary base. You are more than welcome to ask any questions you are willing to. The event will be moderated by Martina Wolfová and is dedicated to Companies´ Directors, HR Directors and Managers and to HR Consultants. Speakers: - Jana Martinová, Country Operations Manager of Accord Group - Ján Dolejš, Managing Partner of PP Partners Prague - Vladimír Větrovský, Interim Manager - Miloš Medřický, Interim Manager Moderator: - Martina Wolfová, Interim Manager, Business Consultant, Coach Speakers´ profiles: - Jana Martinová: In HR industry since 1992. Corporate experience in Danone and Nestlé. Since 2002 Jana has been managing Accord Group ECE. In last two years Jana has been working in its affiliation AGIM on the consultancy model which main task is to mediate interim managers and consultants. - Ján Dolejš: Ján is managing PP Partners company. He has worked for both large multinational corporations and for smaller local companies. Ján has 15 years of experience in IT and telecommunications management; he has managed numerous sales and marketing projects. He also served as the managing director of a medium-sized joint stock company. - Vladimír Větrovský: Vladimír is an Interim Manager with longstanding experience in IT industry. In IBM and Hewlett-Packard he has worked in positions where he has been in charge of strategic multinational projects (outsourcing, solving specific client´s situations etc.). - Miloš Medřický: Miloš in an Interim Manager solving crisis situations. He has worked in FMCG industry where he was employed mostly as Sales Director or General Director (Opavia LU). His main task is to restructure big FMCG companies. - Martina Wolfová: Martina specializes in change management in area of people, brand, corporate communication and innovation. She also works as an interim manager. Martina worked as interim Vice President People & Corporate Communication for Vodafone Czech Republic and interim Marketing Director. For more than 10 years she worked as a Human Resources Director for PepsiCo Restaurant Int., Hilton Prague and British American Tobacco. Besides, she was the company executive and also responsible for Corporate and Regulatory Affairs management and Communication.

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