HR Committee including a talk & discussion on Millennials

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American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


30.03.2016, 09:00 - 30.03.2016, 10:30


AmCham offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1 Show on map


Regular meeting of HR Committee members followed by a Ten-Minute Talk. Millennials Ten Minute Talk/Discussion (led by LaDana Edwards, Deloitte and Gabor Szilvasi, Xerox) In today’s media, there is a lot of hype about Millennials, with endless opinions about this generation in the workplace. Which of these assumptions are true and which are myths? How can companies cut through the hype to understand the true needs and desires of this growing talent segment? By 2020, roughly 50% of the workforce will be Millennials, rising to 75% by 2030. The sheer size of this demographic segment will force organizations to re-think many of their policies and practices, and potentially redesign company culture. During our 10 minute talk, we will explore these assumptions to gain a better understanding of what is really important to attract and retain top talent, now and in the future. There will be an opportunity for discussion after the talk so bring your experience, ideas and opinions! -------------------- Registration: online or at If you don´t know your password, please send us an email. To find out more about HR Committee´s activities please contact Lucie Vrbová at

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