HR Committee incl. talk on Diversity


American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


26.06.2015, 09:00 - 26.06.2015, 10:30


AmCham offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1 Show on map


9-10.30am: Regular meeting of AmCham HR Committee incl. 10min talk on Diversity The talk will be facilitaded by Kimberli Lewis (Global Business Therapy) and Alena Pomahačová (Assessment Systems). Talking points: Diversity is a cascade; it is about age, gender, and ethical origin. To address them separately is fine once the definition of what we all understand around diversity is clarified. We do not believe, we are all working with the same definition. Although the integration of millenniums in the workplace is an issue, it is not a diversity issue; it is a motivation and management issue, the mixed ages in the workforce is a diversity issue. Gender is a diversity issue, even though the actual 2020 EU Directive only affects publically owned companies. There is movement worldwide to have more directives surrounding gender diversity. We believe that HR managers are doing what they can on all the above issues, but CEOs do not always support them. We believe that we need to address the issue of diversity first at the CEO level, in order to give HR the support they need. We understand this is not an interesting and powerful subject with CEOs, but we believe that someone needs to take the initiative. You can turn diversity into ROI, and show how it affects the top and bottom line, and we believe if we do this, they will pay more attention. We believe, isolated sessions about this subject are interesting, but do not produce change --------------------------------------- Registration: online or at If you don´t know your password please send us an email. To find out more about HR Committee´s activities please contact Lucie Vrbová at

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