How to make managing, finding and tracking your documents and business processes easy


American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


20.02.2014, 10:00 - 20.02.2014, 11:00


AmCham offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1 Show on map


Workshop on Efficiency of Documents Management Systems (DMS) on SMB companies Driver: Martin Kanyza & David Pater of Digital Resources Take the hassle out of managing, finding and tracking information and processes across your company. With M-Files DMS you can easily and efficiently automate your business processes and workflows - without expensive training and setup. File redundancy and data loss issues disappear, workflow is streamlined and information reuse is maximized. The result is improved business processes, increased productivity and lower costs. M-Files has everything you need in document management, in one affordable system. · Fast search - both "full text" file contents and metadata · Secure, metadata-driven user access permissions · Check-in/check-out with audit trail · Version management · Workflow with email notifications · Fast offline use and remote/mobile access · Support for scanned paper documents and email, OCR · Web interface · iPad, iPhone, Android and Windows Phone apps · Robust interface for connecting to external databases such as a CRM or ERP system · Rich scripting capabilities and a complete Application Programming Interface (API). Case studies and best practices in live demo and real examples. Registration: online at under the company password or by email at For more information, contact Renata Paceltova at 724 184 866

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