How to bridge the gap between sales & marketing?


American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


8.10.2015, 09:00 - 8.10.2015, 10:30


AmCham offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1 Show on map


A recent survey by SiriusDecisions indicates that 63% of employees are unsatisfied with sales and marketing alignment while 58% say that sales and marketing operation alignment is poor. Traditional sales tactics just aren’t working anymore. This is why role of marketing (especially online marketing) is becoming more important than ever. Purpose of this workshop is to discuss how to engage B2B customers. - role of marketing and sales in the buying cycle - how to bridge the gap between sales & marketing - how to measure success & return on investment - actual trends : online marketing, content marketing, social media Speaker : Zdenek Pejcel is having 15 years of B2B sales experience with proven results. His main achievements are: - 2005 revenue increase for 350mio CZK in just one year - since 2008 acquired customers in various sectors from government to retail: for example CET21 (TV Nova), Marks&Spencer, Spar, AT&T or Equa bank --------------------- Register online by using your username and password or at Contact person: Lucie Vrbová,

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