Growing Market Share in the Times of Crisis - CAPACITY IS FULL!


American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


14.05.2009, 17:00 - 14.05.2009, 18:30


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By definition, crises bring change, big change. Markets are essentially zero-sum games. That means that crises can alter competitive landscapes, creating new winners and new losers. In other words, a crisis can be an opportunity or a threat. Peter Drucker once wrote that since the purpose of business is to generate customers, only two functions do this: marketing and innovation. We will assert that this is also valid in the times of crisis. Looking at seven marketing communication-focused themes, we hope to inspire you to explore opportunities at the times of crisis and illustrate those by example. The themes will include marketing budget efficiency and effectiveness debate, return on investment and performance benchmarking, adjusting the tone and content of consumer communication. Speakers: Jiří Vítek, Leader of Mindshare Czech Republic Hana Huntová , JWT Business Development For more info do not hesitate to contact Lucie Lagová at or GSM: 733 685 318.

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