American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic
11.05.2012, 09:15 - 11.05.2012, 10:45
National Technical Library in Prague, Technická 6 / 2710, Praha 6 - Dejvice Show on map
AmCham members are invited to make the Good Business at the Non-Governmental Organizations' Market prepared by Forum 2000. Make a Good Business! Whether you are considering starting a social partnership with an NGO or want to expand a network of your partners, our Good Business program can help you find the right NGO in a safe and friendly environment. Organized in cooperation with KPMG Czech Republic, Good Business is a 90 minute activity bringing together NGOs and companies to examine what each side needs or has to offer, resulting in mutually beneficial arrangements. The rule is simple: Anything can be exchanged, except money! Make a Good Business: Choose a specific project from a variety of options and support it through volunteer work, know-how, material or logistical support etc. Get information about a wide range of projects without the need to make instant commitments. Learn from community organizations and improve your brand image and attractiveness as a potential employer. Your support can be long-term or one-time only, large or small in scope, regional or national, online… Every company can participate. In return, NGOs offer you a variety of rewards. Your Contribution Can Take the Form of: Seasonal work in a garden or playground at a children’s home Help with website redesign Support for young graduates including internships Provide space and catering for an annual meeting The Good Business program will take place during the NGO Market on May 11, 2012, from 9.15 to 10.45 at the National Technical Library in Prague. Register through the NGO Market webiste: Read more about the NGO Market at AmCham contact person: Eva Chvalkovska,
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