American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic
29.04.2015, 09:00 - 29.04.2015, 11:00
Czech Technology Park, Purkyňova 646/107 (A Building), Brno Show on map
AmCham cordially invites you to GM Breakfast in Brno on April 29, 2015. During these small informal sessions (group of 12 to 15 General Managers with the representatives of the AmCham Board of Directors) you will have a chance to meet key counterparts from the business community and discuss common issues - your business plans for 2015, the possible co-operation with our organization in the future - as well as learn about what AmCham is doing to improve the business climate, what are our new projects, etc. Join us to discuss vision and priorities, possible future economic development of Brno and other initiatives. Representatives of the business community are invited for dialogue and further cooperation in order to better support targeting of business by the city government. Output of this event should be a document summarizing potential opportunities and obstacles of Brno economic development as a background material for further Brno Mayor/Brno City officials meetings. Agenda: Introduction Members Introduction - brief info from their sector AmCham initiatives/projects Discussion ---------- For general managers/CEOs, owners and partners (R1 representatives). Registration: by email at by April 27.
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