Future Great Place to Work (in Czech language)


American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


5.06.2015, 09:00 - 5.06.2015, 11:30


AmCham offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1 Show on map


We cordially invite you to our discussion on: Future Great Place to Work (in Czech language) We are living in a continuously changing world, where such traditional labour standards as fixed working hours, austere internal structure with clear responsibilities is not any more valuable. How will look our job place in a few years? What makes an employer attractive today for the most capable employees? What are new opportunities,benefits for employees, and new challenges for employers? Join our discussion to share best practices, different personal experiencies and company approaches. Areas to be discussed: - Part time contracts - Company kindergardens - Home offices,Mobility of employees - New ways of working - Work-life integration - Social Responsibility - Special health programs - Paper free Moderator: Vesselin Barliev/ Plzeňský Prazdroj Panelists: Radim Passer, Chairman of the Board of Passerinvest Group Jan Pivoňka, HR Manager of KPMG Česká republika Olga Řehořková - Director, Assurance of PricewatherhouseCoopers ČR Emil Jimenez, CEO of Passion Communications Lenka Čábelová, PR Lead of Microsoft ------------ Registration: by email at registration@amcham.cz or under the company password online at www.amcham.cz For free to AmCham members & invited guests. AmCham contact person: Renáta Paceltová, 724 184 866

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