Finance Committee meeting


American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


16.11.2007, 09:00 - 16.11.2007, 10:30


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The Committee (result of a merger of Tax Com. and Capital Markets Com.) meets for the first time on Friday, November 16, 9 – 11 am in AmCham, and then approximately 2-3 times a year. Any member can join in ad hoc task forces working on advocacy of an individual issue. An agenda proposed for the November 16 meeting entails the following items: - Thin Cap update - Financial Collaterals update - Non-Treaty Foreigners – Czech-US Totalization Agreement – info - Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs or uzavřené nemovitostní fondy) - Central Securities Depository (Centrální depozitář cenných papírů) - Sickness Insurance Enforcement and any other issue raised by the members in advance at, or at the meeting itself.

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