Discussion with prof. Ethan B. Kapstein on The Socio-Economic Impact of multinational firms in Europe


American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


14.04.2015, 10:00 - 14.04.2015, 12:00


AmCham offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1 Show on map


Socio-economic impact assessments (SEIA) The costs and benefits of foreign direct investment has been a source of controversy for many decades. Supporters point to the benefits of adding foreign capital to domestic savings and to the employment, technology transfer, and (in many cases) exports that are generated. Detractors assert that foreign companies crowd out domestic firms and suppliers, while contributing little to government tax revenues. Ethan B. Kapstein presentation will focus on why and how socio-economic impact has been measured, methodology and key impact indicators. SEIA study for Coca-Cola system in different countries, system contribution across Europe. Josef Karasek, CEO of The Coca-Cola Company in the Czech Republic will introduce the study of Socio-economic impact of Coca-Cola system in the Czech Republic. -------------------------- Ethan B. Kapstein is a prominent economist, expert in international economic relations cooperating with government agencies and many of the world’s leading multinational corporations including Coca-Cola, Standard Chartered Bank, the International Finance Corporation, the World Bank and OECD) in terms of strategic consulting. He is the author of a unique methodology that provides information on socio-economic impact of large global corporations on regions where they operate (employment, taxes, suppliers, distributors.) Professor Kapstein, a former international banker and navy officer, has served in various leading positions at Harvard University, Wharton Business School and the University of Minnesota. He is currently a Visiting Fellow at the Center for Global Development in Washington, DC, and associate partner at Steward Redqueen. He has authored the successful book ‘Economic Justice in an Unfair World’. -------------------------- Registration online or at registration@amcham.cz Contact person: Lucie Vrbová, lvrbova@amcham.cz.

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