Discussion Roundtable with Czech Telecommunications Office (ČTÚ) and Ministry of Industry and Trade (MPO)


American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


14.12.2007, 09:00 - 13.01.2008, 11:00


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Discussion roundtable on European Commission’s legislative proposals to reform regulatory framework for electronic communications with representatives of the Czech Telecommunications Office (so far, Mr. Frankl has confirmed, Ms. Furstová's participation is pending) and Ministry of Industry and Trade (Mr. Duben, Director of Section of e-Communications has been invited). The roundtable is held on December 14, 9 – 11 am at the AmCham offices at Dušní 10, Prague 1 and will be run in Czech language. The reform proposals posted on the EU web site on November 13, can be downloaded here (http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/policy/ecomm/library/proposals/index_en.htm). The proposals will now be debated in the European Parliament, and by Member State governments in the Council. Once adopted at EU level, the revised rules have to be incorporated into national law before taking effect. The Commission expects the new framework to be in place from 2010 onwards. Panelists: ČTÚ: Frankl, radní Jana Fürstová, radní Marcela Gürlichová, vedoucí kanceláře předsedy - gurlichovam@ctu.cz ředitelku oddělení analýz trhů Janu Kudrnáčovou - kudrnacovaj@ctu.cz Ředitelku oddělení Evropské integrace Paclovou Naďu- paclovan@ctu.cz Řed. odd. přezkoumání rozhodnutí Markétu Haškovou- haskovam@ctu.cz MPO: Karel Staněk, ředitel odboru elektronických komunikací. Jaromír Novák, odbor el. komunikací, vedoucí oddělení integrace

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