Discussion on CEITEC project - Brno


American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


8.12.2009, 15:00 - 8.12.2009, 17:00


Masaryk University, Kamenice 5, 625 00 Brno Show on map


CEITEC (Central European Institute of TEChnology) is project in final round for EU funding under Frame 7 program for support of research and innovation. It will combine research in life and material sciences. Mgr. T. Hruda, director of the project, will present targets of the project and areas where new centre will reach international level of excellence. Prof. J. Koča, scientific director for Life sciences, will make insight in latest research and what can be expected as results of this project. For more information about CEITEC project please visit www.ceitec.cz Schedule: 3:00pm – registration 3:30 – 4:30pm - discussion 4:30pm – coffee break / cocktail For more information about the event or to register please contact Nikola Nagyová at nnagyova@amcham.cz.

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