Discussion with Jiří Běhounek (ČSSD) on quality of Health Care in the Czech Republic (IN CZECH ONLY)

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American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


13.03.2019, 08:00 - 13.03.2019, 09:30


AmCham, Dušní 10, Prague 1 Show on map


The best way to improve our chances in addressing health care issues is to establish our position at the table representing payers which are the companies, AmCham members, which finance the system through payroll taxes, and thus use this position to focus both on population care and better ways to finance specialized treatment.

Our objective is quality care but first we need to find out what the quality care is in dictionary of public authorities. Since the public authority is the one that is most likely to determine and define the goal of the health care system, we think the best way is to build consensus that quality should be the goal, and to challenge the authorities most responsible for defining quality care to define it.

Join us for discussion with MUDr. Jiří Běhounek, a member of Parliamentary Health-Care Committee to discuss our Health-Care priorities. Working language CZECH.

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