American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic
30.05.2012, 09:00 - 30.05.2012, 11:30
AmCham offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1 Show on map
Those people who have worked with a capable coach usually find it a valuable experience. Indeed - more than valuable - it can be a career or life enhancing experience. Whilst the purpose is similar - namely the building of strengths, the achievement of goals (especially goals which coachees had thought beyond them), and the discovery/reduction of those habits which get in the way etc., etc, the coaching methodologies are various. Following last month’s successful workshop on coach/ mentoring from the company perspective, this second workshop will help you understand, not just the value of coaching, but some of those different methodologies. If you are interested in coaching for yourself, if you are responsible within HR for finding suitable coaches for your colleagues, if you are desperate to find a coach for your boss…, if you want to learn meantime how to cope with that boss… or if you are simply doubtful about the whole concept, then hear, question and challenge our talented panel of coaches on what they think the coaching profession has to offer, and how. Speakers: - Klára Hejduková (ČAKO) on Systemic coaching vs. Cognitive behavioral approach - Iveta Clarke (ICF) on Co-active Model - Magda Vokáčová on Self-coaching - Roman Chudoba (EMCC Czech) Moderated by Jan Valdinger of Change Partnership. Registrations at Contact person: Lucie Vrbová,
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