Czech Republic eHealth – from strategy to reality


American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


8.04.2013, 15:00 - 8.04.2013, 17:00


AmCham offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1 Show on map


On behalf of American Chamber of Commerce we would like to invite you to our discussion on: Czech Republic eHealth - from strategy to reality moderated by Karla Voráčková, KPMG Areas to be discussed: 1. What are the basic objectives of Czech e-health and how do we define e-Health? 2. Can we learn from abroad? Are the available experiences applicable for the Czech republic? 3. Do we have our own practical experiences which can be used on country-wide level? 4. What are the major success and failure factors and how to manage the risks related to the e-Health implementation process? 5. AmCham message for the project implementator. Speakers: Fares Shima – Ministerstvo zdravotnictví Michal Zdeněk – Ministerstvo zdravotnictví Roman Michálek – Pardubická krajská nemocnice Jiří Babický - KPMG Matěj Adam - IBM Zuzana Jakubová - Znalecký ústav Apogeo Jan Hůlek - Euroclinicum ____________ Registration: online under the member´s password or by email at AmCham contact person: Renata Paceltova, 724184866

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