CSR Committee

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American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


14.09.2016, 14:30 - 14.09.2016, 16:30


AmCham offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1 Show on map


Regular meeting of CSR committee members. 1/AmCham Philanthropic program- One World Many Voices 2016 (OWMV) How to be involved? a)Silent Auction (SA) as part of Thanksgiving Ball - members are welcome to suggest & donate an item to the SA (products, vouchers, tickets to concerts/sport eventsf in 2017 supporting by your company.., or paintings/art products) Money from SA go to OWMV program. b)Donate extra 10 000CZK when buying Corporate table for Thanksgiving Ball - more info - just send an email to pbasovnikova@amcham.cz 2/Projects for donation from OWMV program/Nomination period: CSR committee members/members are asked to nominate a)projects related to promoting science and math degrees in high school, and/or b)projects promoting healthy life style in elementary schools. done in cooperation of members & schools/or NGOs/with locat community Deadline to send your suggestions: Sep30, 2016 - by email at rpaceltova@amcham.cz 3/AmCham Wings Award - Community Leader - nomination period till October 20 4/ Rekola - Bike sharing /10 minutes info how to implement it into Company Culture ------------------- Registration: online or at registration@amcham.cz Full agenda will be sent to all CSR committee members 2 weeks before the meeting If you don´t know your password, please send us an email. AmCham contact person: Renata Paceltova at rpaceltova@amcham.cz or call 724184866.

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