American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic
17.08.2020, 15:00 - 17.08.2020, 16:30
online via Teams Show on map
Government emergency measures to mitigate Covid-19 outbreak leading to immediate lockdowns, shutdowns, drops in the supply of inputs and decreases in demand and revenues have brought many companies, even those healthy and prospering before the crisis, on the edge of insolvency. What are the key challenges the companies have to face in case of insolvency? How to be prepared in case of the second wave? We will discuss exclusion of contractual interest for late payment, insolvency proposals of debtors and liability of statutory bodies, insolvency proposals of creditors, the influence of the law on ongoing proceedings, Missing deadlines in insolvency proceedings, specific ways of solving bankruptcy – reorganization and debt relief, extraordinary moratorium, the view of banking sector and impact of lex covid on employment relations.
Date: 17.8.2020
Time: 15.00 – 16.30
Marc Müller, Partner, bpv Braun Partners
Adam Stawaritsch, Associate, bpv Braun Partners
Ivan Sagál, Partner, Bird&Bird
Barbora Cvinerová, Legal Associate Manager, KPMG Česká republika
For more information and registration please contact Nelly Tomčíková at
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