Conflict resolution (2nd session)


American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


22.06.2011, 09:00 - 22.06.2011, 11:30


Courtyard by Marriott - Prague Flora, Lucemburská 46, Prague 3 Show on map


Following the more personal view of how we face conflict in the first seminar, what options in our organisations do we have for dispute resolution? Leaving aside warfare and violence..., what other avenues are open to us? Can an ombudsman help? Court proceedings are expensive, uncertain and often slow? They usually end up with a win:lose result, with bitterness on one side if not both. Come to the second Amcham HR seminar and hear panellists whose role is to find alternative ways to dispute resolution. Understand conflict management as a process. Speakers: Ivana Watson, Mediator - Mediation is more effective and more creative than other approaches to conflict resolution. 80% of mediation cases result in an agreement which is acceptable for both parties. Darcie Murray, Pedersen & Partners - It is important to remember that no matter the structured guidelines a company adopts on conflict resolution, no matter how diplomatic the mediator, there is always a human factor to every conflict. In that, a fine balance subsists between the subjective and objective, and the mediating party must learn to navigate this line like a consummate tight rope walker. Ladislav Smejkal, White & Case - I want to concentrate on alternative ways of dispute resolution at work place in accordance with the applicable laws. I want to give practical examples from my legal experience as both an advisor on HR legal issues and counsel in court. I can also share with you my experience as ombudsman for some of our clients. Further I can discuss conflict management as I'm very much involved in "departure meetings" with employees and top managers espcially in global companies. Moderator: Darcie Murray, COO, Pedersen & Partners Contact person: Lucie Vrbová,, 733 685 318.

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