Conflict resolution (1st session)_Capacity Full


American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


8.06.2011, 09:00 - 8.06.2011, 11:30


Diplomat Hotel****Prague, Evropská 15, Prague 6 Show on map


People face conflict in their daily lives, at work - with colleagues, customers and suppliers; within the family with parents, children, spouses; with shop keepers; builders, other drivers, neighbours. The list is endless. When you think of conflict, what comes to mind? Fighting, fear, hatred and battles? Something to avoid? Or something necessary positive, a challenge, creative an opportunity? Something to enjoy? How do you feel when faced with conflict? How do you approach it - or not? Come to the Amcham HR seminar and hear the views of panellists skilled in working with this critical topic. Take away new thoughts and tips. Speakers: Heinrich Homola, Executive Coach - "The map is not the territory." Get a taste for some skills and tools for addressing and resolving conflicts. Both internal as well as interpersonal ones. Usable at home or at work. Have a fresh look, because "You cannot solve a problem at the same level of thinking that is creating the problem". Alice Mlynářová, Psychologist - How can personal typology influence conflict solving. How to work with personal communication barriers. Dana Potočková, Mediator - The manager's role as mediator: what to do when you find yourself in the cross-fire and must manage the conflict. Moderator: Martina Wolfová, Business Consulting and Executive Coaching Contact person: Lucie Vrbová,, 733 685 318.

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