Conference: International Concept of National Cancer Control Plan


American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


13.10.2020, 14:00 - 13.10.2020, 16:30


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Cancer is the second most common cause of death in the Czech Republic. Each year, almost 100,000 people get cancer in the Czech Republic, where the disease’s prevalence is over half a million people with an annual mortality of 27,261 people (2016). Projections show that the incidence of cancer will almost double by 2035, with the most developed countries being hit the hardest; indeed, while Europe only has about one eight of the world’s population, it reports one quarter of all cancer deaths.

The World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Resolution on cancer prevention and control in the context of an integrated approach recommends that its Member States adopt a national cancer control plan (NCCP), which expresses national priorities in the area of prevention and treatment of cancer and serves as a platform for national co-ordination. The same goal has now been set by the new European Commission, which is preparing a European Cancer Plan with the aim of strengthening and improving cancer prevention and care in EU Member States.

Hlas onkologických pacientů together with Amcham would like to invite you for a conference National Cancer Control Plan - Czech and Foreign Experience to discuss the current oncology care in the Czech Republic and its future challenges, Croatian experience and pathways to the best practice in creating NCCP which will be held online on October 13, under auspices of MP and Member of Health Care Committee Andrea Brzobohatá and in the presence of the Deputy Minister of Health Care Alena Šteflová, Czech and foreign oncology experts Jana Prausová and Eduard Vrdoljak, and representative of patient organizations Ivana Plechatá.

The full agenda is available below. Registered participants will be sent a link to join the conference. 

In case of any questions please feel free to contact Nelly Tomčíková at 

If you are interested in joining a discussion, please register at .


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