American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic
21.04.2009, 10:00 - 21.04.2009, 12:00
AmCham offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1 Show on map
First meeting of newly created Committee where representatives from business and academic sector will have chance to meet and discuss hot issues. Main Goals: - Promote partnerships between schools and businesses - Push for more business training in school curricula and provide entrepreneurial role models - Creating platform for sharing best practices - Establishing active dialogue with the Ministry of Education as well as other key-decision makers (Czech Academy of Science and other authorities) in order to maintain favorable environment for development of education & research in the CR - Contribute to the Reform of the Czech Educational System - Provide a framework for AmCham member companies for sharing ideas and debate with educational authorities - R&D (Research & Development) - IPR (Intellectual Property Rights)
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