American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic
21.01.2016, 09:00 - 21.01.2016, 10:30
AmCham offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1 Show on map
Regular meeting of Business & Finance committee members. For all member´s representatives interested to discuss financial topics, business strategies& planning, taxation, outsourcing.... - and be involved in preparation of new workshops/discussions for other members. AGENDA (Full Agenda will be sent 2 weeks before the meeting to the committee members.) 1. Introduction 2. Finance committee chairperson for 2016 - update 3. Working part - preparation of next events/activities 4. Educational Brief on: Risk Management Solutions for Czech Importers and Exporters(30 minutes) - by Jitka Kunstová, General Manager, Western Union Business Solutions Edu Brief - Area of discussion: - Do you want to know how to protect your margins on the volatile currency market? - Wondering how to plan your cash flows? - What are the ways to minimize the currency risks? - Is hedging a good idea? What are the available tools for hedging? - Are forward contracts and options for me? For who? Czech importers and exporters, all entrepreneurs interested in settling in foreign currencies and interested in international payments services. ------------------- Registration: online. If you don´t know your password, please send us an email at AmCham contact person: Renata Paceltova,, 724184866.
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