Business & Finance Committee & Edu Brief on Commodity Spread Trading


American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


19.03.2015, 09:00 - 19.03.2015, 10:30


AmCham offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1 Show on map


Regular meeting of Business & Finance committee members. Full AGENDA to be sent to Business & Finance committee members 2 weeks before the meeting. AGENDA: 1) Introduction 2) Next Seminars - select topic & drivers/planning 3) List of TOPICs for seminars/workshops & articles in 2015 - update 4) 2015 best office publication --main sections to be confirmed by chairpersons of the committees & committee members in March2015 --members who would like to be involved in preparation/content shoud send an email before April15 at 5)Edu brief for March 19: Commodity Spread Trading as Less Risky and More Profitable Trading with commodities by Romana Křížová of 6) Next committee meeting: April 16 ( every 3rd Thursday in a month) For all member´s representatives interested to discuss financial topics, business strategies& planning, taxation, outsourcing.... - and be involved in preparation of new workshops/discussions for other members. ------------------- Registration: online or at If you don´t know your password, please send us an email. AmCham contact person: Renata Paceltova at or call 724184866.

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