AmCham 3rd Team Golf Tournament


American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


20.09.2012, 09:00 - 20.09.2012, 19:00


Golf Resort Beroun, Na Veselou 909, 266 01 BEROUN - Závodí Show on map


You are free to invite your colleagues, partners or customers to participate in your team. We would like to encourage you to bring senior managers from different sectors to participate at these golfing/networking events. REGISTRATION by TEAMS (4 players) at Location: Golf Beroun, tee off time 9.00 - 11.00 Team Registration Fee: 6000 CZK AmCham Contact: Renata Paceltova at The competition format will be played as stableford individual, on top the team competition will be organized as the main event. From every 4 member team, the best three stableford results will be counted for the team result in the individual tournament. _____________________ For the prestigeous 2012 Amcham Corporate Team Golf Tour prize, the best two tournament team results will be counted. Tournaments will be followed by informal networking event.

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