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American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic
14.04.2021, 15:00 - 14.04.2021, 16:30
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The EU wants to gain a competitive economic advantage by leading the world into a sustainable future. How will this strategy impact Central Europe? Can the region use the funds that the EU has devoted to this strategy to become the global center of a digitized, highly resource-efficient production?
This will depend on how capably businesses can make these investments in new technologies boost the bottom line. To help manufacturers weigh their options, AmCham is initiating a series featuring case studies of regional manufacturers at the leading edge of change.
Case Study Session One
Introduction and Moderation.
Petr Knap, Head of Consulting, Czech Republic, Head of Automotive, Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe, EY. Trends in the digitalization of manufacturing, including case briefs from heavy industry (reducing the number of unplanned stops), food products (increasing average module output while decreasing resource waste), and automotive components (reduction in unplanned downtime.
Case Study One.
Steelanol. Converting carbon produced by industrial processes into biofuel. (Reduction/Reuse of waste). Marc Gillis, Strategic Account Manager EPC, Rockwell Automation. Through microbial fermentation, gases produced during steel production will be converted into biofuel.
Case Study Two.
Whirlpool. Upgrading production to reduce waste. Industry 4.0. Michal Major, Plant Director, Whirlpool.
Case Study Three.
Doosan Bobcat. Plant optimalization. Uwe Kueppers, EMEA Consulting Services Manager, Rockwell Automation. A digital transformation of the production process that improved efficiency.
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