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American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic
14.06.2023, 16:00 - 14.06.2023, 20:00
Holiday Inn Prague, Na Pankráci 1684/15, 140 00 Prague 4 Show on map
General Assembly: The role of leaders in times of uncertainty and change
Speakers: Violeta Luca (Microsoft), Martin Skřehota (Carrier Refrigeration), Milan Šlapák (RSBC)
4-6 pm.
Followed by a reception 6-8 pm.
The global economic model established on the ruins of World War II and then the failure of the Soviet Union is being transformed by a increasingly competitive and adversarial multipolar geopolitical system. Supply chains and distribution systemes threading through those geopolitical zones are increasingly at risk.
Digital technologies, most notably AI, provides a new tool for companies to improve their products and organizations. The worry is that tools can be used to disrupt as well as to progress. Whether the constructive uses of these technologies will far outweigh their destructive consequences depend on how business leaders implement them.
When change comes quickly and constantly, the fear of failure can freeze decision-making and ensure failure. Shaping organizations not to fear failure, and use the failure as a building block for success, is essential.
Violeta, Milan and Martin will address these three topics and lead a discussion on how each of our companies, and AmCham as an organization, can build a business culture that can successfully navigate through the risk toward the opportunities that a time of disequilibrium creates.
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