AmCham Advocacy: The Future of Shared Service Centers in Prague

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American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


28.11.2018, 08:30 - 28.11.2018, 10:00


AmCham, Dusni 10 Show on map


With its central location, modern airport, and pool of educated citizens able to speak in multiple European languages, Pragues has proven to be a magnet for the shared service centers of major global corporations. Has the rush into the market changed those key factors? Did the city wait too late to address its housing shortage for entry-level workforce? Are trends in global organizations moving in a different direction? Rainer Bogner will present Exxon Mobil's story in Prague, and lead a discussion on the future of one of Prague's key employment industtries. An AmCham advocacy event for members and relevent public officials.

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