Age management_workshop


American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


30.09.2011, 10:00 - 30.09.2011, 11:00


AmCham offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1 Show on map


Shifting demographics in the EU (ageing and declining workforce) requires better age management practices. Pension reform in many countries, including the Czech Republic, will require people to work longer as governments increase the retirement age. At the same time, many companies do not know how to actively address age diversity, often preferring to send older employees into early retirement. Trend setting countries (Scandinavia) have implemented progressive policies on maximizing the skills and talents of older employees, while countries in Central and Eastern Europe are lagging behind. Future economic growth and competitiveness will depend on how effectively companies manage diversity. This workshop will explore some of the main challenges that companies in the Czech Republic face with regard to an aeging workforce, as well as intergenerational management. It will try to identify best practice in the area of age management and provide an inpetus for a wider discussion on the topic. Driver: Vera Budway-Strobach

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