To buy a corporate table or individual ticket, get in touch with our office.
American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic
26.11.2016, 19:00 - 27.11.2016, 01:30
Žofín Palace, Slovanský ostrov 226, Prague 1 Show on map
American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic invites all members to the 2016 Thanksgiving Ball, which will be held on November 26th at Žofín Palace, Slovanský ostrov 226, Prague 1.
Invite your business partners at this highlight of Prague social calendar with over 500 top business people in attandance!
Program of 2016 Thanksgiving Ball:
Selection of Silent Auction Items:
AmCham offers two types of tickets: Corporate table & Individual ticket.
Only few last Corporate tables are available! Please don´t miss this opportunity to invite your business partners/clients to your corporate table (10 seats). Starting from 10th of October, you can buy Individual tickets. Seats for Individual tickets are placed at the table with ten seats at the Main Hall - under the balcony next to the Main floor.
The capacity is limited. In case you would like to get more information or reserve a Corporate table or Individual tickets at the 2016 Thanksgiving Ball, send your request by email to
Corporate table:
A Corporate table offers AmCham members a unique opportunity to remind business leaders in the community of your company’s involvement here in the Czech Republic and its support for the Chamber. Each corporate table includes ten seats.
Benefits of a corporate table:
To get current list of participating companies and price list, please contact us.
Thanksgiving Ball Sponsors:
Thanksgiving Ball Contributors:
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