2012 Entrepreneurship & Innovation Forum - Strategy in Transition - New Business Models & Entrepreneurial Strategies


American Chamber of Commerce
in the Czech Republic


10.10.2012, 08:15 - 10.10.2012, 17:00


Prague Congress Centre, 5. května 65, Prague 4 Show on map


2012 Entrepreneurship & Innovation Forum Strategy in Transition – New Business Models & Entrepreneurial Strategies AmCham´s members will enjoy special discount 25% if they register through the Society (CSSMIE - Czech Society for Strategic Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship). http://www.ssrip.cz/STRATEGYINTRANSITION.aspx http://www.ssrip.cz/ENTREPRENEURSHIPINNOVATIONFORUM10October.aspx AmCham is only partner of this event, reservations can be made via website: http://www.ssrip.cz/en Program: Wednesday, October 10, 2012 08:15 – 09:00 Registration + refreshments 09:00 – 10:50 Opening Plenary Session „LEADERSHIP FOR THE CO-OPETITIVE INNOVATION ERA“ Keynote Address 1: Petr ŠMÍDA, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Alfa Bank (Moscow, Russia) : IN SEARCH OF LEADERSHIP AND EXCELLENCE: COPING WITH THE GENERAL ELECTRIC AND ALFA BANK CHALLENGES & OPPORTUNITIES Keynote Address 2: Inder SIDHU, Senior Vice President, Strategy and Planning, Worldwide Operations, Cisco Systems (San José, US) : EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES ACCELERATION STRATEGY Keynote Address 3: Professor Joan Enric RICART, IESE Barcelona : COMPETITIVE DYNAMICS AND BUSINESS MODELS Session facilitated by Ondrej LANDA, Chairman, Czech Society for Strategic Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship 10:50 – 11:15 coffee break, refreshments, networking 11:15 – 12:45 Panel Discussion „IN SEARCH OF NEW BUSINESS MODELS“ Panelists : Professor Jay B. BARNEY, David Eccles School of Business - University of Utah : SUSTAINING COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE IN TURBULENT TIMES - RESOURCE-BASED STRATEGY Chris HARE, Founder & CEO, The nTete Group : EMERGING MOBILE APPLICATIONS & FUTURE INNOVATION-DRIVEN BUSINESS MODELS Vladimír TOŠOVSKÝ, Chairman of the Board, ČEPS – Power Transmission Network Organisation (CZ) : INNOVATION STRATEGY FOR TURBULENT DECADES – Case European Energy Sector Barbara VENTER, Founder, Owner, Principal, Designskola,cz : REDESIGNING CREATIVE POTENTIAL AND LIFESTYLE THROUGH INTERIOR DESIGN PROGRAMMES Panel Chair : Sanjiv SURI, Owner & CEO, Zátiší Catering Group (CZ) 12:45 – 13:45 Buffet lunch 13:45 – 15:30 Parallel Session A : „OPEN AND COLLABORATIVE INNOVATION“ Panelists : Professor Marjorie A. LYLES, Indiana University - Kelley School of Business: PIONEERING OPEN INNOVATIONS & THE INNOCENTIVE MODEL OF COLLABORATIVE OPEN INNOVATION Kimberli LEWIS, CEO, Mediatel (CZ) : TRANSFORMING BUSINESS MODELS THROUGH COLLABORATIVE INNOVATION WITH CUSTOMERS – THE MEDIATEL CASE Libor LÁZNIČKA, CEO, Barum Continental (CZ) : LEVERAGING THE BATA ENTREPRENEURIAL TRADITION – ZLIN REGION INNOVATION PLATFORM Panel Chair : David VRBA, Managing Director, 3M Czech Ltd. 13:45 – 15:30 Parallel Session B : „DEVELOPING INNOVATION LEADERSHIP POTENTIAL“ Panelists : Professor Björn AMBOSS, Universität St Gallen, Institute for Management (CH) : LEVERAGING GLOBAL INNOVATION POTENTIAL FOR STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP Professor Margaret A. PETERAF, Dartmouth College - Tuck School of Business: DYNAMIC CAPABILITIES – HOW TO SECURE THE NEXT GENERATION COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Professor Danica PURG, President, IEDC-Bled School of Management (SL) & President, Central and East European Management Development Association (CEEMAN) : BREAKTHROUGH LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Panel Chair : Jiří PAVLÍČEK, Owner & Principal, Bright Element, Managing Director, Johnson & Johnson CR & SR (2000-2011) 16:00 – 17:00 Closing Plenary Session „THE ENTREPRENEURSHIP RESPONSE“ Keynote Address 1: Keith ATTWOOD, Chief Executive, E2V Technologies Plc : INSPIRATIONAL HIGH TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS FOR THE NEW FRONTIER INDUSTRIES Keynote Address 2: Professor Hein SCHREUDER, Distinguished Visiting Professor, China Europe International Business School, Shanghai, Executive Vice President Corporate Strategy & Acquisitions at Royal DSM N.V. (1996-2011) : STRATEGIC VALUE CONTRACTS – ENTREPRENEURSHIP ENHANCEMENT & INNOVATION PERFORMANCE AT ROYAL DSM Keynote Address 3: Pavel JUŘÍČEK, Owner and Chairman of the Board, Brano Group (CZ), Vice President, Czech Confederation of Industry : ENTREPRENEURIAL LEADERSHIP FOR THE TRANSITION ERA 19:00 Dinner for EMA delegates and conference speakers For more information visit: prague.strategicmanagement.net

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